Are you achieving your goals?

Tips on how to reach your goals
Follow these nine tips to better understand how to achieve your goals.
1. Use Approach Goals: Make sure your goals are what you want to achieve rather than what you want to avoid.
2. Set Your Own Goals: Set your own goals; don’t let others set them for you. This way you will have more ownership and motivation.
3. Be Realistic: Set goals when you are in the same state as the goal. For example, set exercise goals when you are at the gym.
4. Build Slack: Give yourself some slack if you’re not perfect. Don’t let perfectionism stop you from achieving your goals.
5. Take Advantage of a Fresh Start: Take advantage of fresh starts like a new career, new move, or new team. This way, you can capitalize on a time for building new patterns or habits. A fresh start can also be a new year or even a new week or new month.
6. Shorten the Goal Timeline: Shorten the duration of the goal timeline to stay motivated. A person has the greatest motivation at the beginning of the pursuit and at the end with a lull in motivation in the middle of the goal pursuit. If the timeline is shorter–like a week instead of a month–there is less lull time.
7. Pair Goals with Enjoyment: Pair the goal with something you enjoy that you only do when working on the goal. This way you will be more motivated to work on less satisfying goals.
8. Align Goals with Culture: Ensure the goals are linked to the organization’s Core Culture. If they are aligned with the Purpose or core values, individuals will be more motivated to achieve the goals
9. End with a Positive Impression: If there are unpleasant activities in a goal, make it slightly less negative at the end to have a more positive impression of the experience.
Remember, achieving your goals is a journey, not just a destination. So, be kind to yourself and take small steps every day to move forward.
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