What is employee engagement?

There is not just one employee engagement definition. But most definitions are consistent with the following:

  • Employee engagement is dedicating one’s energy to one’s work: cognitive energy, affective energy, and physical energy. When employees are engaged, they are being their total, preferred selves in their work roles.

Yes, engaged workers can be themselves at work. They are doing what they love to do.

Employee engagement is quite different from employee satisfaction. Job satisfaction is liking or disliking your job or aspects of the job. Satisfaction is a much lower threshold than engagement. Employees can be satisfied with a job because it pays the bills and is close to home. But that does not guarantee that they are mentally, emotionally, and physically invested in the organization’s success.

When an employee is engaged, work does not feel like work. Instead, work is a means of self expression.

Employee engagement definition

Cognitive Energy + Affective Energy + Physical Energy = Engaged Employee

  • Cognitive focus: First of all, engaged workers exhibit focus. These employees are attentive and absorbed in their work.

employee engagement definition - cognitive engagement

  • Affectively connected: Next, engaged workers are emotionally connected to their work. They care. These workers direct their emotions and feelings toward their work.

employee engagement definition: affective energy

  • Finally, engaged workers are physically active. These employees demonstrate extra effort and vigor through their behaviors and actions.

employee engagement definition-physical energy

Engaged employees simultaneously invest their cognitive, affective/emotional, and physical energies in their work. Imagine putting your whole self into your job.

Employee engagement is a Priority

Companies want engaged workers because it’s good for the company. Additionally,  it’s good for those who work there.  A workplace that values employee engagement is a humane workplace that nurtures the best in each individual.

Employee engagement definition video and slides

Watch the YouTube video “What Is Employee Engagement? at this link. Above all, view the slides at this link.

Contact Sheila

Contact Sheila to learn how you can increase employee engagement in your organization.